Long Needle Pine Straw
The most popular product that we carry and the highest quality straw product on the market. This 12-14 inch needle has an awesome reddish/orange color that is free of debris and junk. It lasts the longest of any pine straw product and is the perfect addition for your southern landscape.
Slash Pine Straw
The basic pine straw that is the cheaper option. This is the most typical pine straw you see on the ground naturally. It doesn’t last nearly as long as the long needle or have as good as color, but it is more cost efficient!
Hardwood Mulch
Perfect for adding a colored look to your landscape. With our offerings or brown, black, or red to choose from, our hardwood mulches provide many benefits to your landscape and gives it the finishing touch.
Pine Bark Mulch
To give your landscape a more textured look, we offer both mini and large pine bark nuggets! They are not dyed, so they are a great natural, organic option.
Playground Mulch
Perfect to keep your kids safe! Our playground mulch is natural without any dye to keep your kids and pets safe while enjoying their time outside!